
We scour the web to find the newest comic book news for you, then we put our own independent spin on it, as well as reviewing new and old comics.

Here at Impulsive Reactions we love  visual story telling and actively encourage new indie talent, if you have something you’d like us to review send it over to our email, on the contact page, and we’ll be happy to fit it in.

Editor – Paul Lightfoot
Paul started studying History and Journalism at University however ended up with a degree in straight history, luckily he rediscovered his journalistic itch and is now a freelance journalist and comic book critic. He started Impulsive Reactions in January 2012, and has helped launch WatchReadReview as it’s primary comic book reviewer as well as writing reviews for WeekendNotes where on July 18th 2012 he won the Newbie Editor’s Choice Award. When not reading comics he can often be found playing his favourite video games.

Our banner was created by indie comic creator Marc Ellerby, check out his work at www.marcellerby.com and buy a comic or two. As always all characters remain the property of the rightful owners, Nintendo, SEGA, DC Entertainment, Marvel Comics.